The following study groups continue to meet on a regular basis:
Inkle Weaving Study Group
Spinning Study Group
Guild meetings typically include a presentation on a fiber related topic. Here are some of our past topics:
Profile Drafts and Block Patterns
Twining presentation and hands on project
Felting presentation and demonstration
Spinning - presentation and hands on
Drop Spindles - presentation and hands on
Costuming in Community Theater
Appliqué - The art of applying fabric to fabric
Guild members continue to volunteer their time and skills at community events. Here are some of the events:
Marbold School Farm Days
Clayville Fall Festival
Illinois State Museum Spinning and Weaving Week
Illinois State Fair - Sheep Barn
Illinois State Fair Textiles 101
Christian County Historical Society Prairie Days
Inkle Weaving Study Group
Spinning Study Group
Guild meetings typically include a presentation on a fiber related topic. Here are some of our past topics:
Profile Drafts and Block Patterns
Twining presentation and hands on project
Felting presentation and demonstration
Spinning - presentation and hands on
Drop Spindles - presentation and hands on
Costuming in Community Theater
Appliqué - The art of applying fabric to fabric
Guild members continue to volunteer their time and skills at community events. Here are some of the events:
Marbold School Farm Days
Clayville Fall Festival
Illinois State Museum Spinning and Weaving Week
Illinois State Fair - Sheep Barn
Illinois State Fair Textiles 101
Christian County Historical Society Prairie Days