Three Color Pickup with Annie MacHale
$42.00 - $52.00
per item
Audience: For experienced inkle weavers only. Students must know how to warp their loom on their own and be familiar and comfortable doing Baltic-style pickup on the inkle loom. Students can bring a loom, or borrow one. If you are in need of an inkle loom, the guild does have some for loan. (There is a $10.00 deposit and if all materials are returned then your deposit will be reimbursed)
Description: 3-Color Pickup is a more complex version of Baltic pickup. We will look at examples, discuss variations, learn to read and create charts for the designs. Students will set up their looms and weave a sampler of patterns. Annie did say that this type of weaving does require a thicker yarn than the 3/2, 5/2 or carpet warp that was used in her previous classes. She prefers the Omega Sinfonia yarn, and she can order your yarn for that day at $6.00 per skein (to be paid to Annie).
DATE: June 9th (Sunday) 2024 Time: 9:00 – 4:00
Location: Springfield Ceramics and Crafts Club, 2626 S. Pasfield, Springfield, Il.
Lunch: Please bring your own drink and lunch as we will not have a potluck and will not dismiss for lunch.
Description: 3-Color Pickup is a more complex version of Baltic pickup. We will look at examples, discuss variations, learn to read and create charts for the designs. Students will set up their looms and weave a sampler of patterns. Annie did say that this type of weaving does require a thicker yarn than the 3/2, 5/2 or carpet warp that was used in her previous classes. She prefers the Omega Sinfonia yarn, and she can order your yarn for that day at $6.00 per skein (to be paid to Annie).
DATE: June 9th (Sunday) 2024 Time: 9:00 – 4:00
Location: Springfield Ceramics and Crafts Club, 2626 S. Pasfield, Springfield, Il.
Lunch: Please bring your own drink and lunch as we will not have a potluck and will not dismiss for lunch.